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Independence Day

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I haven’t been writing much on this blog; busy busy busy, getting organized, working on Meter Maids Eat Their Young, getting ready for the release of Stealing the Marbles. The edits are done, just waiting for the proof readers to do their thing and for the greatest editor on the planet, Jayne Southern, to sign off and then STM will fly out on her own.

Kind of scary, that. As a writer, you do the best you can, operate at the highest level of your craft to tell a story others will want to read but in the end, you never know. Time will tell, I suppose, and a review, a comment, an email, a death threat or two.

Up on Facebook, I’ve been connecting with Rebel e folks. Rebel e is my publisher and what a great publisher they are. I mentioned in a previous post how much I loved the cover for STM. Well, I met the guy who created it, Jacques Stenvert. Here is his blog. Check it out. I’d been talking to him for like a week before I discovered he was the one who had done the cover. Man, did he zero in on the heart of the story with that cover? Thanks, Jacques. That cover says everything I wanted to say.


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