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What A Week

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It’s been an odd week around here; hellish storms, Internet more down than up and then 4 days ago it went down and didn’t come back up, my cell phone died, two interviews which I’ve only just read cause I couldn’t get online and, of course, my book launch is just days away and I haven’t been able to do half the things I wanted to do. I’m going to be playing catch-up here. The tech guys are bringing out a new modem on Monday. In the mean time, I’m using a friends service so I can get something done.

Cat Connor interviewed me over at her blog I See You and Author Poppet interviewed me over at hers. Please visit both sites check em out.

I’m trying to line up an interview with a representative of one of the many Return The Marbles sites. I have several inquiries out and hope to hear something back soon. If I line someone up, I’ll run the interview here and on the book’s website Stealing The Marbles.

In the mean time, why not kick back with a good book and relax. I just happen to have one you might be interested in: Stealing The Marbles.


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