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Been down with the traditional winter cold the last few days. It usually comes in December, just in time for Christmas, but this year it came a bit early. Or maybe this year I’ll be blessed with 2 winter colds, one for my birthday (in two weeks) and one for Christmas.

So, after 2 days in bed, 102 in the shade if this thermometer is correct, I come back online to all this news. STM got reviewed at and I have to say it really lifted my spirits.

I received an email back from a bookstore in Kefalonia that stocks English language books, especially those with an emphasis on Kefolonia. They are moving their location but will consider stocking the book once they settle. And I received an email from a woman who has a Kefalonia travel guide website. She reviews books and may want to review STM.

All in all, despite this cold, it’s been a good day.


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