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Another Day In Paradise

Well, last night was an interesting night. Out for a walk with the Dudes and the little puppy (have I mentioned the little puppy I now have?). I’m in a hurry to get home because I wanted to check in on the litchat auction. Half way home, the wind kicks up something fierce. A moment later it’s raining so hard I can hardly see the Dudes at the end of the leash. Grabbed the pup, tucked him under my jacket and me and the Dudes start running. They were doing a lot better job at the running part than I was. I don’t do running so well anymore.

A block from the house, all the lights in the neighborhood winked out. It’s dark here at night under normal circumstances but in a heartbeat it became like that Vin Diesel movie Pitch Black. Had a hell of a time finding the driveway entrance. I think had it not been for the Dudes, I never would have found it. I just sort of followed their lead, or, more accurately, let them drag me in whatever direction they chose to run. They may be small Dudes but I swear you could hook them to a sled and they’d drag you clear across Alaska.

In any event, we made it in the house, got everyone toweled off and semi-dry and spent the night in the chair, wrapped in a comforter as the temp had plunged and no electricity meant no heat. Trust me, dogs are better than hot water bottles cause they never cool down, though they do squirm a lot more than hot water bottles do.

The electricity kicked back in at like 4 in the morning; lights, heat, Black Balloon by the Goo Goo Dolls. Kind of weird, not to mention scary when you’re not expecting it. I’d forgotten I’d left the stereo on.

You’ve got to give it to those guys and gals who work for the electric companies; middle of the bloody night, raining, cold, and they’re out there chopping up trees and messing around with live wires. Not a job I would want. I turned everything off and went back to sleep; still in the chair, still with the Dudes+1 beneath the covers of the comforter.

Woke up again at 8, everything back to normal. Everything silent, no movement in the trees, the cats clamoring for their morning meal, the Dudes wanting their morning walk, the little pup teething on my finger. After dealing with all that, I log back into the outside world and still have no idea how the #litchat auction went though I do seem to have a lot of emails to weed through.

Got another 2 mil from that woman in New Braunfels, btw, and the FBI wants to make sure I get justly compensated for some Nigerian scam I apparently fell for. And it’s only going to cost me a couple of hundred to get that all straightened out. Do you think that 2+ mil might show up in my account before christmas? I sure could use it.

Happy Holidaze all.


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