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The Promo Pokey

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Check the Google +
Your Facebook friends
Goodreads, must read
You write them all a post
You’re doin’ the Promo Pokey
At the Library Thing
That’s what it’s all about.

Now you Twitter Twitter Twitter till
Your keyboard smokes
On to Shelfari
Then you write a Red Room post
You’re doin’ the Promo Pokey
At the Author’s Den
That’s what it’s all about.

Tweak your author blog
Till your fingers turn blue
Link up with Linkedin
Do an email interview
You’re doin’ the Promo Pokey
On a stranger’s site
That’s what it’s all about.

You do a reading here
A conference there
You drive across the country
To save the airplane fare
You’re doin’ the Promo Pokey
No time to write a book
That’s what it’s all about.


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