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Author Birthdays for June

  • Khawar Rizvi  86
    Wednesday, June 1st 1938
  • Colleen McCullough  87
    Tuesday, June 1st 1937
  • Bill Deedes  111
    Sunday, June 1st 1913
  • John Van Druten  123
    Saturday, June 1st 1901
  • Charles Kay Ogden  135
    Saturday, June 1st 1889
  • John Masefield  146
    Poet, Children's Literature
    Saturday, June 1st 1878
  • Ferdinand Raimund  234
    Tuesday, June 1st 1790
  • Dante Alighieri  759
    Monday, June 1st 1265
  • Carol Shields  89

    Sunday, June 2nd 1935
  • Lester del Rey  109

    Wednesday, June 2nd 1915
  • Barbara Rym  111

    Monday, June 2nd 1913
  • Karl Adolph Gjellerup  167
    Poet, Novelist
    Tuesday, June 2nd 1857
  • Thomas Hardy  184

    Tuesday, June 2nd 1840
  • Marquis de Sade  284

    Thursday, June 2nd 1740
  • Larry McMurtry  88

    Wednesday, June 3rd 1936
  • Marion Zimmer Bradley  94

    Tuesday, June 3rd 1930
  • Allen Ginsberg  98

    Thursday, June 3rd 1926
  • Buddy Wakefield  50
    Tuesday, June 4th 1974
  • Joe Hill  52
    Sunday, June 4th 1972
  • John Hockenberry  68
    Monday, June 4th 1956
  • Val McDermid  69
    Saturday, June 4th 1955
  • Wendy Pini  73
    Comic Book Writer
    Monday, June 4th 1951
  • Kenneth G. Ross  83
    Playwright, Screenwriter
    Wednesday, June 4th 1941
  • Robert Fulghum  87
    Essayist, Novelist
    Friday, June 4th 1937
  • Maurice Shadbolt  92
    Saturday, June 4th 1932
  • Ruth Westheimer  96
    Monday, June 4th 1928
  • Elizabeth Jolley  101
    Monday, June 4th 1923
  • Jacques Roumain  117
    Novelist, Poet
    Tuesday, June 4th 1907
  • Patience Strong  117
    Tuesday, June 4th 1907
  • Mabel Lucie Attwell  145
    Children's Literature
    Wednesday, June 4th 1879
  • Apollon Maykov  203
    Monday, June 4th 1821
  • Ken Follett  75

    Sunday, June 5th 1949
  • Margaret Drabble  85

    Monday, June 5th 1939
  • Alfred Kazin  109

    Saturday, June 5th 1915
  • Federico Garcia Lorca  126

    Sunday, June 5th 1898
  • Geraldine McCaughrean  73
    Wednesday, June 6th 1951
  • Stephen Dixon  88

    Saturday, June 6th 1936
  • Harry Crews  89

    Thursday, June 6th 1935
  • Maxine Kumine  99

    Saturday, June 6th 1925
  • Thomas Mann  149

    Sunday, June 6th 1875
  • Alexander Pushkin  225

    Thursday, June 6th 1799
  • Louise Erdrich  70

    Monday, June 7th 1954
  • Orhan Pamuk  72

    Saturday, June 7th 1952
  • Elizabeth Bowen  125

    Wednesday, June 7th 1899
  • Sara Paretsky  77

    Sunday, June 8th 1947
  • John W. Campbell  114

    Wednesday, June 8th 1910
  • David Koepp  61
    Sunday, June 9th 1963
  • Aaron Sorkin  63
    Playwright, Screenwriter
    Friday, June 9th 1961
  • Patricia Cornwell  68
    Saturday, June 9th 1956
  • Gregory Maguire  70
    Wednesday, June 9th 1954
  • James Kelman  78
    Sunday, June 9th 1946
  • Deyda Hydara  78
    Sunday, June 9th 1946
  • Joe Haldeman  81
    Wednesday, June 9th 1943
  • Charles Webb  85
    Friday, June 9th 1939
  • Keith Laumer  99
    Tuesday, June 9th 1925
  • George Axelrod  102
    Playwright, Screenwriter
    Friday, June 9th 1922
  • John Gillespie Magee, Jr.  102
    Friday, June 9th 1922
  • Jurij Brězan  108
    Friday, June 9th 1916
  • Bertha von Suttner  181
    Friday, June 9th 1843
  • Maurice Sendak  96
    Children's Literature
    Sunday, June 10th 1928
  • Saul Bellow  109

    Thursday, June 10th 1915
  • Athol Fugard  92

    Saturday, June 11th 1932
  • William Styron  99

    Thursday, June 11th 1925
  • Sonia Manzano  74

    Monday, June 12th 1950
  • Brigid Brophy  95

    Wednesday, June 12th 1929
  • Anne Frank  95
    Wednesday, June 12th 1929
  • Djuna Barnes  132
    Sunday, June 12th 1892
  • Audrey Niffenegger  61

    Thursday, June 13th 1963
  • Maurice G. Dantec  65

    Saturday, June 13th 1959
  • Whitley Strieber  79

    Wednesday, June 13th 1945
  • Dorothy L. Sayers  131

    Tuesday, June 13th 1893
  • William Butler Yeats  159

    Tuesday, June 13th 1865
  • John Edgar Wideman  83

    Saturday, June 14th 1941
  • Jerzy Kosinski  91

    Wednesday, June 14th 1933
  • Yasunari Kawabata  125

    Wednesday, June 14th 1899
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe  213

    Friday, June 14th 1811
  • Chris Morris  62
    Satirist, Screenwriter
    Friday, June 15th 1962
  • Ana Castillo  71

    Monday, June 15th 1953
  • Amy Clampitt  104

    Tuesday, June 15th 1920
  • Joyce Carol Oates  86

    Thursday, June 16th 1938
  • Ron Padgett  82

    Wednesday, June 17th 1942
  • John Hersey  110

    Wednesday, June 17th 1914
  • Richard Powers  67

    Tuesday, June 18th 1957
  • Amy Bloom  71

    Thursday, June 18th 1953
  • Chris Van Allsburg  75

    Saturday, June 18th 1949
  • Gail Godwin  87

    Friday, June 18th 1937
  • Salman Rushdie  77

    Thursday, June 19th 1947
  • Tobias Wolff  79

    Tuesday, June 19th 1945
  • E. Lynn Harris  69

    Monday, June 20th 1955
  • Vikram Seth  72

    Friday, June 20th 1952
  • Lillian Hellman  119

    Tuesday, June 20th 1905
  • Ian McEwan  76

    Monday, June 21st 1948
  • Francoise Sagan  89

    Friday, June 21st 1935
  • Mary McCarthy  112

    Friday, June 21st 1912
  • Jean-Paul Sartre  119

    Wednesday, June 21st 1905
  • Dan Brown  60

    Monday, June 22nd 1964
  • Joanna Scott  64

    Wednesday, June 22nd 1960
  • Octavia Butler  77

    Sunday, June 22nd 1947
  • Erich Maria Remarque  126

    Wednesday, June 22nd 1898
  • Julian Hawthorne  178

    Monday, June 22nd 1846
  • David Leavitt  63

    Friday, June 23rd 1961
  • Alexandru Odobescu  190

    Monday, June 23rd 1834
  • Lawrence Block  86

    Friday, June 24th 1938
  • Anita Desai  87

    Thursday, June 24th 1937
  • Ambrose Bierce  182

    Friday, June 24th 1842
  • Rebecca Harding Davis  193

    Friday, June 24th 1831
  • Nicholas Mosley  101

    Monday, June 25th 1923
  • George Orwell  121
    Thursday, June 25th 1903
  • Moses Hadas  124
    Literary Translator
    Monday, June 25th 1900
  • Robert Erskine Childers  154

    Saturday, June 25th 1870
  • Pearl S. Buck  132
    Sunday, June 26th 1892
  • J. J. Abrams  58
    Monday, June 27th 1966
  • Dan Jurgens  65
    Comic Book Writer
    Saturday, June 27th 1959
  • Anita Diamant  73
    Wednesday, June 27th 1951
  • James P. Hogan  83
    Friday, June 27th 1941
  • Ivan Doig  85
    Tuesday, June 27th 1939
  • Kirkpatrick Sale  87
    Sunday, June 27th 1937
  • Lucille Clifton  88
    Poet, Children's Literature
    Saturday, June 27th 1936
  • Frank O'Hara  98
    Sunday, June 27th 1926
  • Robert Aickman  110
    Saturday, June 27th 1914
  • João Guimarães Rosa  116
    Saturday, June 27th 1908
  • Catherine Cookson  118
    Wednesday, June 27th 1906
  • Lafcadio Hearn  174
    Journalist, Novelist
    Thursday, June 27th 1850
  • Louise von François  207
    Friday, June 27th 1817
  • Mark Helprin  77
    novelist, journalist
    Saturday, June 28th 1947
  • Eric Ambler  115
    Monday, June 28th 1909
  • Floyd Dell  137
    novelist, playwright, poet
    Tuesday, June 28th 1887
  • Luigi Pirandello  157
    playwright, novelist, poet
    Friday, June 28th 1867
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery  124
    novelist, poet, journalist
    Friday, June 29th 1900
  • Czeslaw Milosz  113

    Friday, June 30th 1911
  • William Hamilton Maxwell  232
    Saturday, June 30th 1792
  • John Gay  339

    Saturday, June 30th 1685
  • 010203040506070809101112

    1 thought on “Author Birthdays for June”

    1. Thank you for compiling such an extraordinarily comprehensive site. I work at a library and I only wished I’d found you before. Thanks again!

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