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On Writing

Notations on the world of writing

Report From The Trenches

It’s been a hectic few months here in the hot desert a mile above sea level. The low points are the low points and they pass, by and by. Sometimes you’re the dog and sometimes you’re the hydrant. At the moment, I’m the dog. Being the Pessimistic Optimist that I am, I know the roles will reverse soon enough. But I’m going to enjoy wagging my tail while I can.

I fired my agent a week ago. I suppose that could be seen as a hydrant moment; and it was. It was hard, despite how easy he made it, if that makes any sense. You’d have to know the details and I’m not revealing them. Burning one’s bridges behind them can be great fun but, occasionally, one should leave them intact. Not that they should remain intact in his case, he deserves a good burning, but one must always be aware of how far a good burning can spread.Read More »Report From The Trenches
