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Author Birthdays for October

  • Tim O'Brien  78

    Tuesday, October 1st 1946
  • Vernor Vinge  80

    Monday, October 2nd 1944
  • Graham Greene  120

    Sunday, October 2nd 1904
  • Wallace Stevens  145

    Thursday, October 2nd 1879
  • James Herriot  108

    Tuesday, October 3rd 1916
  • Thomas Wolfe  124

    Wednesday, October 3rd 1900
  • Anne Rice  83

    Saturday, October 4th 1941
  • Mike McGrady  91
    Journalist, Novelist
    Wednesday, October 4th 1933
  • Edward Stratemeyer  162

    Saturday, October 4th 1862
  • Mary Elizabeth Braddon  187
    Wednesday, October 4th 1837
  • Clive Barker  72

    Sunday, October 5th 1952
  • Peter Ackroyd  75

    Wednesday, October 5th 1949
  • Louise Fitzhugh  96

    Friday, October 5th 1928
  • Caroline Gordon  129

    Sunday, October 6th 1895
  • Sherman Alexie  58

    Friday, October 7th 1966
  • Steven Erikson  65
    Wednesday, October 7th 1959
  • Diane Ackerman  76

    Thursday, October 7th 1948
  • Thomas Keneally  89

    Monday, October 7th 1935
  • Helen MacInnes  117

    Monday, October 7th 1907
  • R. L. Stine  81

    Friday, October 8th 1943
  • Yulian Semyonov  93

    Thursday, October 8th 1931
  • John Lennon  84

    Wednesday, October 9th 1940
  • Tawfiq el-Hakim  126

    Sunday, October 9th 1898
  • Harold Pinter  94

    Friday, October 10th 1930
  • Claude Simon  111

    Friday, October 10th 1913
  • Elmore Leonard  99

    Sunday, October 11th 1925
  • James Crumley  85

    Thursday, October 12th 1939
  • Babaloo Mandel  75
    Thursday, October 13th 1949
  • E. E. Cummings  130

    Sunday, October 14th 1894
  • Agnes Sligh Turnbull  136

    Sunday, October 14th 1888
  • Italo Calvino  96

    Monday, October 15th 1928
  • Mario Puzo  104

    Friday, October 15th 1920
  • Enrique Jardiel Poncela  123
    Playwright, Novelist
    Tuesday, October 15th 1901
  • P.G. Wodehouse  143

    Saturday, October 15th 1881
  • Friedrich Nietzsche  180

    Tuesday, October 15th 1844
  • Paul Monette  79

    Tuesday, October 16th 1945
  • Gunter Grass  97

    Sunday, October 16th 1927
  • Eugene O'Neill  136

    Tuesday, October 16th 1888
  • Oscar Wilde  170

    Monday, October 16th 1854
  • Arthur Miller  109

    Sunday, October 17th 1915
  • Terry McMillan  73

    Thursday, October 18th 1951
  • Philip Pullman  78

    Saturday, October 19th 1946
  • John LeCarre  93

    Monday, October 19th 1931
  • Chauncey Bailey   75
    Thursday, October 20th 1949
  • Elfriede Jelinek  78

    Sunday, October 20th 1946
  • Ursula K. Le Guin  95

    Monday, October 21st 1929
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge  252

    Wednesday, October 21st 1772
  • A. L. Kennedy  59
    Friday, October 22nd 1965
  • Timothy Leary  104

    Friday, October 22nd 1920
  • Doris Lessing  105

    Wednesday, October 22nd 1919
  • John Reed  137

    Saturday, October 22nd 1887
  • Ivan Bunin  154

    Saturday, October 22nd 1870
  • E. Phillips Oppenheim  158

    Monday, October 22nd 1866
  • Augusten Burroughs  59

    Saturday, October 23rd 1965
  • E. J. Knapp  76

    Saturday, October 23rd 1948
  • Michael Crichton  82

    Friday, October 23rd 1942
  • Denise Levertov  101

    Wednesday, October 24th 1923
  • Sarah Josepha Hale  236

    Friday, October 24th 1788
  • Zadie Smith  49

    Saturday, October 25th 1975
  • Anne Tyler  83

    Saturday, October 25th 1941
  • John Berryman  110

    Sunday, October 25th 1914
  • Leslie McFarlane  122

    Saturday, October 25th 1902
  • Gilbert Patten  158

    Thursday, October 25th 1866
  • Pat Conroy  79

    Friday, October 26th 1945
  • Beryl Markham  122

    Sunday, October 26th 1902
  • Fran Lebowitz  74

    Friday, October 27th 1950
  • John Cleese  85

    Friday, October 27th 1939
  • Sylvia Plath  92

    Thursday, October 27th 1932
  • Dylan Thomas  110

    Tuesday, October 27th 1914
  • Frances Crane  134

    Monday, October 27th 1890
  • Anne Perry  86

    Friday, October 28th 1938
  • Evelyn Waugh  121

    Wednesday, October 28th 1903
  • Valerie Worth  91

    Sunday, October 29th 1933
  • Dominick Dunne  99

    Thursday, October 29th 1925
  • Bernard Gordon  106

    Tuesday, October 29th 1918
  • Fredric Brown  118

    Monday, October 29th 1906
  • Henry Green  119

    Sunday, October 29th 1905
  • Jean Giraudoux  142

    Sunday, October 29th 1882
  • James Boswell  284

    Saturday, October 29th 1740
  • Rudolfo Anaya  87

    Saturday, October 30th 1937
  • Agota Kristof  89

    Wednesday, October 30th 1935
  • Kostas Karyotakis  128

    Friday, October 30th 1896
  • Sukumar Ray  137

    Sunday, October 30th 1887
  • Zoë Akins  138

    Saturday, October 30th 1886
  • Ezra Pound  139

    Friday, October 30th 1885
  • Elizabeth Madox Roberts  143

    Sunday, October 30th 1881
  • Irma Rombauer  147

    Tuesday, October 30th 1877
  • Paul Valery  153
    Monday, October 30th 1871
  • Philippe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé  238

    Monday, October 30th 1786
  • André Chénier  262

    Saturday, October 30th 1762
  • Richard Brinsley Sheridan  273

    Saturday, October 30th 1751
  • Irina Denezhkina  43

    Saturday, October 31st 1981
  • Neal Stephenson  65

    Saturday, October 31st 1959
  • Dick Francis  104

    Sunday, October 31st 1920
  • Napoleon Lapathiotis  136

    Wednesday, October 31st 1888
  • John Keats  229

    Saturday, October 31st 1795
  • Christopher Anstey  300

    Tuesday, October 31st 1724
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