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Collective Nouns for Writers

I love collective nouns and, as a writer, was always disappointed that there is no official collective noun for a group of writers. Over the years I’ve made up a few and have collected many more in my travels through books on the subject of collective nouns and from various blogs and websites on the Internet. Here is a list of what I’ve found so far. If you have one that isn’t on the list, leave a comment and I’ll include it.

An absurdity of writers
An address of writers
An advance of writers
An allegory of writers
An alliteration of writers
An ambiance of writers
An ambiguity of writers
An analogy of writers
An annotation of writers
An anthology of writers
An assignment of writers
A babble of writers
A balderdash of writers
A bibliography of writers
A block of writers
A blurb of writers
A canon of writers
A caption of writers
A cast of writers
A chapter of writers
A conflict of writers
A count of writers
A cover of writers
A creation of writers
A deadline of writers
A dedication of writers
A denotation of writers
A diction of writers
A dispatch of writers
A draft of writers
An edit of writers
An elegy of writers
An epigram of writers
A fabrication of writers
A fib of writers
A fiction of writers
A foolishness of writers
A foreshadowing of writers
A formatting of writers
A frontlist of writers
A galley of writers
A genre of writers
A gibberish of writers
A hogwash of writers
A hook of writers
A hyperbole of writers
An idea of writers
An imagery of writers
An imagination of writers
An imprint of writers
An inscription of writers
An inspiration of writers
An invoice of writers
An irony of writers
A jargon of writers
A jot of writers
A journal of writers
A limerick of writers
A line of writers
A logline of writers
A lyric of writers
A madness of writers
A mystery of writers
A manuscription of writers
A meter of writers
A motif of writers
A myth of writers
A narrative of writers
A novel of writers
An outline of writers
An oxymoron of writers
A page of writers
A pace of writers
A palindrome of writers
A parable of writers
A paradox of writers
A paraphrase of writers
A parody of writers
A persona of writers
A personification of writers
A pitch of writers
A plagiarism of writers
A plot of writers
A prattle of writers
A prefix of writers
A premise of writers
A pretense of writers
A procrastination of writers
A proof of writers
A proposal of writers
A pseudonym of writers
A pun of writers
A query of writers
A quibbling of writers
A ranting of writers
A rejection of writers
A revision of writers
A scrawl of writers
A scribble of writers
A script of writers
A sentence of writers
A serial of writers
A setting of writers
A slant of writers
A slush of writers
A soliloquy of writers
A sonnet of writers
A stanza of writers
A stress of writers
A storytelling of writers
A style of writers
A subject of writers
A subplot of writers
A suffix of writers
A summary of writers
A symbol of writers
A synonym of writers
A synopsis of writers
A syntax of writers
A tagline of writers
A tale of writers
A theme of writers
A tomfoolery of writers
A tone of writers
A topic of writers
A twaddle of writers
An understatement of writers
A vanity of writers
A verse of writers
A voice of writers
A withdrawal of writers
A zine of writers

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